It's been on my desktop screen saver and on my mind since I came across it several months ago. Little did I expect to run into it in a LA Chinatown market in the Freezer section, Whole, for that matter. But, here it is!
I found it and had to buy it. Long story short, how could you come across some crazy looking fruit in search of whatever, learn about, never expect to come into contact with one, then find a bag of them in a freezer section?
I was so sick the day I cut into it. I found the "bag'o'mangosteen"

I let this bag o' curiosity sit on the desk for a day (while I slept and worked out a fever), all the while wondering what and how it came to be in the states.
After two days to thaw and possible produce "Gremlins", I borrowed Ben's wine key to cut into it.
The smell was something I can't share with close family members, and the taste was tainted by my sickness. All I could do was run my fingers over the pulp and taste them. I don't feel I gave this fruit justice! But, I at least found it!

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