And, honestly, their Spirit trickles up. The whole way up sometimes.
The owner may call into the kitchen and Zach will answer in an accented female voice, with no worries about who may be on the other end. The owner may be a little miffed at the conversation spun to her from the other end of the phone, but, everyone listening on our end just got a little happier. Nothing against the owner, it's just that little bit of comic relief that lets you take the burns and cuts and hovering servers a little easier.
And, after you give them a pan that's had balsamic vinegar reducing for 10 minutes longer than it should have, and after you ask them to guess how old the chicken bodies are that you need them to discard of, and after you go home for the night while they"re still there finishing things up. What else can you do? Except bust out a little disco dancing in dry storage for their entertainment, grant them the chance to get into random places in the restaurant (ie:either or all of the three compartment sinks filled with all appropriate liquids, empty chest freezers, garbage cans, empty boxes, or just shelves), feed them better than the rest of the staff, or just post a blog dedicated to them and their antics.
Pure entertainment.
The following is simply a sample of the many humorous events that have taken place in...The Dish Pit.

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