I am in no way able to play around with anything lately. No time.
My title of "Executive Chef" has seemed pretty much worthless as of late. I am a "Line Cook" before anything else right now. (try explaining that to the owners)....(and they know about my blog.........).
This....This town(?) I work in, has very little. No one wants to live or work here. We have a really beautiful piece of property in the middle of F'n nowhere, but it is really special. I can't stress that enough. It is really beautiful. Old, but with character. But, there is no modern culture, there is no outside thought, there is no change from the past 50 to 80 years. Therefore, I've progressed backwards in the forward movements I intended to make.
I thought I could create a place that would stand out amongst the mountains and the backdrop of colored leaves and bring people from all around. The core foundation of this kitchen was me. That's fine. But for how long?
I am so incredibly grateful for the help that I have currently and have had in the few months that I've been here. (to them, You know I need and respect all of you.) But, when my purveyors need me to spell the food items I'm looking for...........that's when I get nervous. When my main produce purveyor tells me that "you and two other people in P--tsb--gh might know what you're asking for is, and I can't keep it on hand for you three", that made me nervous.
When I'm told not to feel bad, because i'm "not the only person that can't find the help they need around here, because people just don't want to move to the area.".........................
These are some items I have to take off the menu this week do to the increase of volume that is coming my way and the decrease in time that has been lacking from my life for the past couple months.
Halibut. Truffled cauliflower puree. Bacon-corn succotash. Bacon emulsion. Chocolate-Cabernet reduction.
Bacon and chocolate work really well together. fyi.
Myers farm chicken breast, Chocolate goat cheese ancho chili smear, Black bean-corn relish, Chicken confit and Chorizo whipped potatoes, Poblano Puree.
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