I was talking to an old line cook of mine who happens to have some Mexican heritage in his blood.
When I told him I was consulting with a Mexican themed restaurant his response was (more or less) " oh yeah, that makes sense, why wouldn't you ask a severely white, Scots Irish guy to come up with authentic Mexican cuisine?"
"Authentic Mexican Cuisine" being the catch there. Any breathing human can come up with Authentic Mexican Cuisine really. Once you read about it, practice it and STEAL it! You are reproducing Authentic Mexican Cuisine.
Or, Someone who cares, can research and practice old school recipes and bring them up to date to fit in with a new restaurants' ideas of what they are looking for.

Corn, Chilies, Cheese.
I have a theory that I developed when I was a Saucier for Orient Express, anything can be turned into a Sauce, Soup or Vinaigrette.
When you loosen up your thoughts, it can be so. Actually, anything can be turned into almost anything. But, that's for further posts.
(but really, if you wanted to turn your left over chicken casserole into....say....Ice Cream? Why not? Ben and Jerry's would be salivating at the profit just to hear about it.)

Green Chili, Red Chili, "Buffalo", and neutral Red Chili.
Beef Short Ribs in Mole Sauce.