I don't imagine that I have many followers on this Blog. I pretty much put this together for two reasons.
1. I wanted my parents to be able to see what my life is like in a kitchen. To see what kind of food I enjoy making and why I spend so much time working. To try and let them (and others) understand why I
love what I do for a living.
2. For my own personal collection of "Ideas, thoughts, mis-hearings and random spouts of my brain." Something I can direct others to, wether employers, employees, family members, or the curious.
I've been slacking on producing anything of any intrest lately. I realize that. And in some disturbingly sad way, I've actually worried about it.
In the sense that....I haven't been inspired. Inspiration comes and inspiration goes.
After ten months without the two sous chef positions I had filled when I moved here, after three months with only two line cooks (both in thier teens), after a summer/theatre/into fall season doing
everyone in 4... thirty minute increments twice a day, as banquets/ordering/blah blah blah everything work/working saute shit goes on..........Now we're pretty much dead.
Sure, the one or two "big" Christmas parties a week are happening, but it's not enough. Not here. Not what it could be. Nothing is ever what it
could be.
I find myself taking as much time off as possible. Not really a bad thing....but when you love to work and your work is your love, it has an effect on you. On top of that, still having to be at work when nothing is going on. The only person in the kitchen. No reservations, maybe just driving in to do ordering....KILLS motivation. Being the guy that takes gas money (I was gonna say rent money, but everyone of my employees lives with thier parents, except one and her son works for me to) from them with no hours.
In addition to my excuses, my camera has been broken. BUT, I just got it back yesterday. Thanks to two friends that helped me out. (It's hard to get packages delivered to your house when your never there).
SO! On with new pictures and posts.
Look above.