A former employee of mine, that knows how much I love and miss Charleston sent me this link
http://tristandining.com/introNEW.htmI've never eaten at Tristan, but I worked at least two blocks away from it for years.
A former employee worked there doing pastries for a while, her brother told me about the "Veal Sorbet" he had while he was there, and an old friend was the bar manager there....may still be.
I've talked for years (literally) about a web cam in the kitchen.
Pros: 1.The so called "Reality" TV shows about kitchens are bullshit, a real kitchen cam would prove way more entertaining.
2. The entertainment value is untapped.
3. The spin-offs would be unstoppable.
4. The expressions of true love and passion concerning food might actually be understood by the rest of the world, not passed off as a learned "trade skill".
5. The home cook can put away his or her dreams of owning and operating their own Restaurant, once they see what it takes to work in one.
6. Ideas and techniques can be shared properly with great detail.
7. Want to talk about Drama? Try ER meets Passions. (I've never seen "Passions" but I think it's a soap opera and that's a lot like a kitchen at times.) (Any soap opera will do.)
8. I've already got the T-Shirts in mind. $$$$$$
Cons: 1. The general population will know what goes on in a restaurant kitchen, possibly YOUR restaurant kitchen.
2. The amount of money it would take to pay someone to work the "Bleep" button would put you way over on labor costs. So, he would be fired. And Sailors watching everywhere would blush.
3. Who knew the twisted things you can re-in act with chicken carcasses?
4. The recorded story of the "Potato People Vs. Baked Potato Bar-Man", may or may not be a success story.
5. You'd get to meet someone like John W.
Grube, neither pro nor con I guess.
6. And, maybe no one wants to know. What it takes out of the people that feed you.
We just say "Enjoy".
And that's all we want. Is for
You to enjoy what we put together for you....and for us. We enjoy when you do.