Saturday, January 05, 2008


It's been several several years since I've been on vacation.
Two, maybe, in my life.....well, adult life.
One really great time when I was about 19 with my friend Mandy, driving south and sleeping where we could. Really, someone should have told us that you have to be 21 to rent a hotel room.
The second one about 4 years ago with an ex. Stressful do to money more than anything. Hard to just relax.

This one though....This is what movies are made about. Or should be.
Friends, family and friends that feel like family all gathered for a week in the mountains of West Virginia. Snow Shoe Mountains. (My links still aren't working)OK, West Virginia is completely unimportant to this gathering.
But, think about it....10 or so people in the same house. Chefs, bartenders, servers....all breeds bred of the f&b industry. We're all bringing coolers full of food, bottles of booze (that I'm sure are mostly opened before we get there), wine, music, movies, and all the stories we have of the good times we've all spent together in the past.
We will cook, eat, drink, relax.....some may venture outside for skiing or something like that. I'm going to relax and enjoy this.
The only thing I'm worried about is what the kitchen is stocked with. Equipment, plates, silverware....salt?
I'm bringing salt. You can't live without salt.
I'll take many pictures and get back in a week.
Enjoy yours, I'll enjoy mine.

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